The Evening Rose
- A Fading Rose
- Abha’s Presence
- Address to the guests at Ankur’s Wedding
- Ankur’s Wish
- Dialogue with a Friend
- Discourse with a Spirit
- Epilogue
- Fulfillment
- His Doorway
- Journey’s End
- Modern Painting
- My Batting
- My Poems
- My Poetry
- My Real love
- My Repentance
- Nobel Prize
- O Fast Time!
- Ode To Time
- Quadruples
- Radha’s Lament
- The Evening Rose
- The Poet’s Departure
- The Puppet and the String-holder
- My Critics
- To My Lord
- To My Muse
- To My Readers
- Wasteland

“What though the early grace and charm are gone !
The Evening Rose has beauty of its own.”